Brittany's Story
A note from Executive Director, Brian Kane How the Breathe For Britt Foundation began and a little about a wonderful girl who inspired us all. "This song was my wish to and for Britt".
Starting the Breathe for Britt Foundation was a natural thing to do. We are "picking up where Brittany left off." The foundation is a way of carrying on BrittanyÂ’s love of life, her giving heart, charisma, positive energy, and most of all her determination. We want to be sure that all of these attributes for which Brittany had are never forgotten. And so it was, from her, the gift, her gift, that she shared with many, BFBF was born.
It was born from the inspiration Brittany shared with all of us whom she left behind. Here she is with 0ne of her many friends Jacob, that she took under her wing while she was at a stay in a nursing home...she had heart and shared it...
Had you met Britt, you would not soon, if ever, forget her. She would have stayed in your heart and mind forever. Those of us who were lucky enough to have met her and who were welcomed into her life have learned and gained so much. She had a knack of putting life into perspective...
Brittany never complained about the unfair, and at most times harsh hand she was dealt, while dealing with the day to day struggle of living with cystic fibrosis. She looked it in the eye and beat it down like the "comeback kid" she was. There were times where she was given a few months at best, yet years later she was still here blessing us all with her fun-loving spirit, hope and faith.
Brittany passed away on April 3rd, 2008 at the young age of 14. She left a mark on those who had come to know her. The day before she left us we went to Sunken Meadow Beach on Long Island NY. I let Brittany take the wheel of my car one more time and she drove through the parking lot. Before long, she drove straight into a huge 12 inch deep puddle. The windows were down, needless to say the car was soaked with water inside and
The girl just loved to sit down and eat some good food, she had an appetite for two! She also loved doing arts and crafts, homework (when she was in the mood!) and just chilling out and talking. While at her many hosbital stays a visit or a simple phone call from a friend, family or staff who just wanted to say "hi" would make her day. She was so resilient, not only in with dealing with cystic fibrosis but in all aspects of her life. No matter how tough things got for her she had a gift of reaching out to others and making the best of almost any situation or challange that she faced, a gift which few possess. This was "one of BrittÂ’s ways" of getting through the tough times. She surrounded herself with people who cared about her and wanted what was best for her. She had spunk and never held back on it.
Brittany wanted to be a doctor when she grew up. Britt was greatly inspired by the doctors and nurses that too care of her.
Of course her caring heart, insight, and natural talent would have led her to be one of the best doctors ever. Needless to say, she was a very active in effort to fight her battle with CF and would often times administer her own medications through her G Tube or Medi Port. This gave her some control over her CF. The nurses would be amazed at her ability to share what she knew about the medications and how and when to take them.
It is in Brittany's spirit, honor and memory that we wish to pay tribute to a very special girl. In doing so, it is our hope, dream and goal that we can carry on where she left off by helping others with cystic fibrosis.
Britt's last words were "did you ever feel so tired that you just wanted to go to sleep, but you couldn't..." Moments after having spoken those very words, she did fall asleep, very peacefully. Brittany did not pass on alone or in the hospital, which one was of her biggest fears. She was with me when she passed.
If you knew Brittany really well, you'd be able to read in between the lines. She was really saying “I was here, I stayed awake, I lived my life to the fullest, but in all honesty, I'm tired...It's time for me to go to sleep now..."
Peace and Love from Britt's Godfather, family and and friends.